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In a recent posting we discussed “journey mapping” as a tool for improving customer experiences in the healthcare sector. This week, we share thoughts on “design thinking,” an approach that is described as “a human-centered way of...

The Tsavo River Water Supply

Media Center

In a recent posting we discussed “journey mapping” as a tool for improving customer experiences in the healthcare sector. This week, we share thoughts on “design thinking,” an approach that is described as “a human-centered way of...

This is approximately 50km from Voi Town. The scheme was constructed in 1948 by the defunct Kenya-Uganda Railways. The water is sourced from the Tsavo River.

The water supply scheme is in need of rehabilitation to replace the pump house roof, replace the low lift pump sets, service the high lift pump sets, baffle tanks, sand filters, coagulation basins, sedimentation tanks, control valves and sluice valves, expand clear water tanks and transmission pipelines.

Water quality
Water from the Mzima spring has excellent chemical, physical and biological characteristics and is subjected to chlorination only.

Water use and coverage rate
Most water is for domestic use. Water is used in Voi sisal industry and estates for domestic use only since the industry uses groundwater for its operations.  The demand outstrips supply at the current level of service.

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