Take some time to interact with our FAQs; you will learn a lot on how to approach and address billing challenges in provision of Water and Sanitation services.

What do I do when I get an estimated bill?
Reach out to the company to know the reason for estimated bill. If the bill is as a result of gate lock, you can use our mobile App to do self-reading. Other reasons will be addressed case by case.
What are some of the reasons one can get an estimated bill?
Unread meter, Closed gate, Faulty Meter, Stopped meter, Glass dirty, Reversing Meter
What can I do when I receive a bill that is not akin to my consumption?
You can request for meter testing to confirm the meter accuracy. Meter testing is charged at Ksh. 500. If meter is found to be inaccurate it is serviced and the bill is adjusted accordingly. If unserviceable the meter should be replaced.
How do I check my balance?
You can use our USSD; Dial *873*55# or use MajiApp
Learn more about our Customer Service Section.
When can I visit the office?
Our offices are open from; Monday to Friday 8.00 am to 5.00 pm. Except for the public holidays
How Can I get the statement of my bills?
The customer’s statement is sent via e-mail at the customer’s request. A customer may also request the statement through their MajiApp.
What is required to change the account name?
Copies of ID, KRA, and Title deed/Sales agreement, of the person to which the account name is to be changed. If the current account holder is dead then the new owner must provide a death certificate as proof.
What to do if I want to change the phone number registered to the account?
You can only change the phone number if you are the account owner or authorized by the account owner. The owner should Present to the nearest branch an official written request for changes to be effected.
What does disconnection on request mean?
This is when the customer asks for their account to be disconnected temporarily when they are away. For this to be affected you have to clear the balance in your account, and you will be required to pay a fee of Ksh 200.
To contact the office or a Branch near you call:
Voi Branch – 0110 066 774; Mwatate Branch – 0737 543 713; Wundanyi Branch – 0788 758 517; Taveta Branch – 0737 267 439; Mackinon Branch – 0731 605 348; Maungu Branch – 0737 006 291; Mbololo Branch – 0714 193 267
Meter Reading is the only fair way of billing. Know more about our meter reading processes
What can i do when my meter is not read?
Contact us to know the reason the meter is not read. If the gate was locked during the reading, you can use self meter reading. If the meter is glass dirty or burried report for servicing. If damaged you will received estimated bill until the process of replacement is completed.
How do I read my own meter (Self-meter reading)
Turn on your GPS Location and Using Tavevo Maji Tavevo Maji App’ select the specific account you wish to read the meter, fill in the readings as they appear on the meter (only the black digits) and take a clear photo image of the meter before you submit. The biling officer will review the reading and your new bill will be generated immediately the officer approves.
Our priority is to serve you sustainably. Timely payment of your bill will help us stably supply you with water. Our team assist in collection for us to meet our operational costs.
What is a normal disconnection?
This is disconnection made on an account with an unpaid outstanding.
The account can be disconnected if for instance the customer has not made any payment for three months and more, after receiving bills. A penalty of ksh1000 is made on the account to act as reconnection fee.
What do I do to activate my disconnected account?
Clear your bill balance and you will be reconnected immediately.
What do I do to activate my disconnected account when meter was cut-off?
Clear your bill balance and the company will initiate the process of acquiring another meter from the store for reconnection.
Help us save water. Every drop counts
What should I do if there's a leakage to my connection?
A leakage after the meter is a responsibility of the customer while that before the meter is the company’s responsibility. The customer should report any leakage before the meter for a technical person is deployed for repairs.
What should I do when i find a pipeline burst
Report the matter to the nearest branch, call 0110 066 774 or report using USSD *873*55# or MajiApp
What happens when a customer is found with illegal connection?
The customer is charged a penalty of Ksh 30,000 for domestic and Ksh 100,000 for Commercial consumer plus water loss charges calculated based estimated time of illegal connection.
What happens when a non-customer is found with illegal water connection?
The matter is reported to the police under water police unit who will arrest and charge the person in court of law.
What happens when a customer tampers with their meter?
Meter Tampering attracts a penalty of Ksh 5,000 and 100% market cost of the meter if damaged.
Help us save water. Every drop counts
What do I do if my meter is stolen?
Report the matter to the police where you will be issued with abstract/ OB Number, then visit the nearest Tavevo branch with the OB. The company will follow up with the police on investigations. We advise our customer to ensure meters are protected as replacement of the meter will be charged at the market price cost.
What do I do when my meter is damaged
To replace a damaged meter, you will be charged 100% market cost of the meter
My meter stopped, what do I do?
Report the matter to the office, and the meter will be serviced.
What happens to a meter that is cut off?
It is returned to the office. If the customer fails to claim it back in three months, the meter gets assigned to someone else.
What causes a meter to stop?
Meter Tampering, meter damaged, dirt clog in the meter and aged meters.
Help us save water. Every drop counts
What do I do when there's no water in my area?
Report the issue to the nearest branch using any of the available platform such as USSD, Maji APP, Telephone Call or physical visit.
Water at my place flows with a low pressure
Report no flows or low pressure to the office through virtual platform of physical office visit and a technical officer will be deployed to check it out.
All your answers for water and sewer connection
What is required for a new connection?
For Individual bring copies of: Your national ID, KRA Pin certificate and your Premises ownership documents (Title Deed/ Sales Agreement). In case you don’t have a title deed or sales agreement, get a stamped letter from your area chief as evidence that you are a resident of the location to which you want the meter.
For Organization bring copies of; Certificate of Incorporation or Registration and KRA Pin Certificate,
I want to move to a new place with my meter. How do I go about it?
The customer is required to provide materials needed for connection to the new location. There are no charges for the service.
What if I'm not ready for a new meter assigned to my account?
After informing the office the meter is assigned to someone else. The customer gets another meter when they are ready.