Disconnection of water supply due to non payment of bills attracts a penalty of Kshs 1,000.

Our customer policy aims at discouraging the disconnection of our services, but rather using all available means that give the customer the opportunity to pay.


Non- Payment

Your connection will be disconnected if you will not pay your bill 7 days upon receiving your bill.

Illegal connection.

Bypasses and illegal consumption of water will lead to immediate disconnection and removal of water connection. Also disconnection will be done at the main line.


Disconnection will be done upon request to terminate services. Only an account with zero balance can be terminated upon payment of termination fee of Kshs 200.

Consumer Lending

Solutions for financial institutions addressing business and technology challenges across the mortgage, auto and student loan.


All paid up customers will be reconnected within 24 hours

Re-Connection fee.

Re-connection of service will be done upon full payment of amount due and re-connection fee as per our tariff.

Part Payment.

Part payment and, signing of agreement/promissory note to pay the balance by installment and re-connection fee as per our tariff.