It is my pleasure to welcome you to Tavevo Water and Sewerage Company corporate website, a portal through which we intend to remain connected and engaged with all our customers and stakeholders to provide you with in-depth information on the company’s services.

We are committed to placing the needs of our customers first, we want to achieve this by having multiple partnerships with different stakeholders, like the county government, investment partners, donors, and other organizations involved to have a harmonious working relationship with them as we also work towards increasing our revenue.
As a Company, we understand that we exist to serve our customers and therefore we work jointly in delivering this service. We must perform our functions well and as effectively as possible.
We are thankful to all our customers for showing confidence in our brand and look forward to accelerating our operations with innovations and creative approach.
We therefore pledge our utmost support for the development of water and sanitation in Taita Taveta County and will continue to remain resolute in our quest to be a water service provider marked for excellence.
Benson Mwangoi
Managing Director – Tavevo Water & Sewerage Co. Ltd.