Figure this out! It is a water rationing day in your area and water supply lasts for 3hours. Your neighbor enjoys free water and decides to leave their taps running to fill their tanks
and water their kitchen garden. All this time you can hardly fill your 100litre drum because your mean neighbour knows at the end of the month they don’t have a bill to pay.
You pay your bill religiously yet you fail to enjoy the services because your neighbor has an illegal connection and cares less about you. Are you going to protect them?
While free things seem enjoyable, the effects go beyond losses to the water distribution company. They deny customers access to their rights which becomes criminal.
Right to access water is enshrined in article 43 (1) (d) of Constitution of Kenya 2010. By stealing water you deny others the right to access water especially when the commodity availability is strained.
Water theft attract heavy penalties and water infrastructure is classified under critical infrastructure in Kenya which must be protected by the government from destruction or interference.
Tavevo Water and Sewerage initial exercise to map and identify water losses has yielded positive results with more than 10 cases successfully processed within Voi. This has prompted the company to officially commission the crackdown team to weed out illegal connection.
We invite members of the public to assist us by reporting suspected cases.
All Company staff pledge to our current and future customers the highest quality service. We commit to providing a level of customer care, which will at the very least, meet our customers’ expectations…
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