We are preparing the future generation and equipping them with skills that will guarantee quality and sustainable services to the county of Taita Tave...
Members of County Assembly, Board of Directors and Management of Tavevo Water and Sewerage Company Limited together with Losai Management Consultant L...
It is a week to celebrate service! As a company we are determined to attend to your needs while making it easy for you to access our services. In reco...
You will need a letter of no objection from Tavevo Water and Sewerage Company Limited to drill a borehole within Taita Taveta County. The same approva...
Kindly accept warm congratulations from the Board of Directors, Management and Staff of Tavevo Water and Sewerage Company Limited Your election and...
Complaints related to over billing will soon be a thing of the past as Tavevo has introduced a meter testing service to clients suspecting their meter...
Figure this out! It is a water rationing day in your area and water supply lasts for 3hours. Your neighbor enjoys free water and decides to leave thei...
A rigorous process which includes treatment and three tests are conducted before water ends up in your tap. For the water to be declared fit for consu...
Taita Taveta County government through the Tavevo water company has signed a Sh 859m water supply contract that will benefit over 100,000 residents. S...
Taita Taveta County, on Friday 26th February, this 2021, was among the eight counties in Kenya that inked a deal and signed a letter of commitment on ...